The Most Popular Virtual Event Topics So Far
Sometimes it’s hard to remember that virtual events have in fact been around for a long time. I remember organising webinars for clients during the early 2010s as media businesses transitioned from print to digital.
COVID-19 has accelerated the development of virtual events and, while it’s delightful to hear many of us crave the live experience, event organisers also recognise the importance of delivering content to their audiences during this crisis.
We’re regularly asked ‘what are the most popular virtual event topics’ and so without further ado let’s delve a little deeper into the content that’s being shared across the world.
We turn to leaders in a crisis to be inspired, to be reassured that everything will be ok, and we’ll get through this together. Normally, leaders can fall back on historical precedent to guide them through challenging times, but COVID-19 is an unprecedented event for any leader.
How do we inspire our teams to find new opportunities and excel in a challenging environment? What’s the future strategy of the business going to be when there’s huge uncertainty in the world? Do we have the right culture in place to empower and support our teams?
These are just some of the questions we hear from business leaders as they implement a virtual events programme to help them navigate the storm we’re currently facing.
5 superb leadership speakers to have sitting in front of your audience include Ant Middleton , Kevin Gaskill , Lorraine Heggessey , Cath Bishop and Andrew Macleod .
Mental Health
Companies are battling with social isolation and maintaining the mental health and wellbeing of their employees in the midst of serious global health concerns.
We’ve been working closely with many businesses to curate virtual event programmes with speakers who can share their stories and practical advice for employees to manage their mental health during this crisis, to reduce their anxiety and stress levels, how to switch off from work and protect their wellbeing.
There is much more to do of course, and our first Speakers Corner Connects virtual masterclass delivered a session " It’s Time to Look After Our Mental Health ", but for event organisers looking to start a virtual events programme there won’t be many more topics that will be as engaging as our mental health.
Here's 5 inspiring Mental Health Speakers to look up Clarke Carlisle , Dr Linda Papadopoulos , Dr Nerina Ramlakhan , Mark Henick and Alastair Campbell Teamwork
At first the zoom meetings and video calls were a welcome moment in the day to connect with our colleagues. But as time wore on, the novelty wears off and fatigue sets in.
We all need to adjust how we work and none more so when we work within teams where we all depend on each other. How do we collaborate, support, and connect with each other when we’re isolated? What are the best tips and secrets to create a strong bond between colleagues during this pandemic?
We’ve been working with a range of communication, leadership and teamwork experts, not to mention high-profile figures from a world where “there is no I in team”, to speak to audiences across the globe.
5 teamwork speakers who put know all about what it takes to create a winning team include Brendan Hall , Ellen McArthur , Marco Piere White, Stella Rimington and Sean Fitzpatrick Adversity
Event organisers are facing obstacles the likes of which we have never seen before, and the wider business world is scrambling to make sense of the pandemic we face. But we know that in times like these when we need to adapt, innovate, and build resilience within our teams to navigate through to the other side.
Therefore, it’s not surprising that we’ve seen an upsurge in requests for inspirational speakers to share their story on how they too overcame the most incredible challenges mankind has ever faced.
Just before the Easter Holidays we ran a Speakers Corner Connects virtual masterclass ‘Building Resilience and Achieving Success in a Time of Crisis ’ featuring Debra Searle, Farrah Storr and Jason Fox. If you have time check out the highlights for 3 truly inspirational stories!
Here's 5 adversity speakers we wholeheartedly recommend checking out; Katie Piper , Victoria Milligan , Miles Hilton Barber , Tara Westover and Spencer West Creativity
Last, but certainly not least, in our most popular virtual event topics to date, is the theme of creativity.
These are truly challenging times, but businesses need to unlock the inner creative beast inside all of us to keep sharing ideas and drive innovation across all teams. Business leaders understand we need to fundamentally examine what their company does and how it can still function both during and after this global pandemic.
Fire up your creative juices with these 5 creativity and innovation speakers ; Duncun Wardle , Nile Rodgers , Jude Pullun, Samantha Payne and Marc Koska .
So there we have it. Our five most popular virtual event topics to date. We're available to discuss what kind of virtual event you can organise and the best topic and speakers to meet your objectives.
For further information call us on or email info@speakerscorner.co.uk .
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