Around the World in 240 Minutes
Collaborating with over 11 speakers for over 240 minutes from across the world we delivered our very first global virtual event! Hosted by Nadine Dereza, we showcased how the power of the spoken word can inspire us to reach our true potential even during the most challenging of times.
Reg Athwal started the day with “The Rule of 63” The results you want in the future, won’t happen based on what you do today… and shared his 2 powerful transformation tools from the ‘DDIs’ & ‘ROIs’ takeaway toolbox and how to get immediate results in 24 hours.
Geoff Ramm
Next up was Geoff Ramm, creator and author of Celebrity Service who challenged us with his award-winning ideas on how to outperform the competition with Celebrity Service: Creating a client experience your competition could only dream of…
Nigel Risner
Nigel Risner was next with The Rule of 2: Communication is the most important lesson to learn. During his time he shared how to understand the personality of the person you are speaking to, negotiate, lead and create relationships that last a lifetime.
Martin Limbeck
With No is short for next opportunity - How Top Sales Professionals Think, Martin Limbeck demonstrated how to acquire the skills of a top sales professional, anchor your confidence, strengthen your self-motivation, develop a clear goal orientation and boost your confidence in closing deals.
Steve Simpson
In a two part series, creator of the 'UGRs' (unwritten ground rules) concept Steve Simpson demonstrated how his concept has been used by companies across the world to transform their workplace cultures – and how this needs to be applied in the current extraordinary context.
Stef du Plessis
Retired Lt.Col (Airborne) Stef du Plessis ended the two-part series with Want to survive then thrive? Part 2: Get your people to own your cause to describe how normal employees can become extraordinary workplace ambassadors – especially during these extraordinary times.
Olga Guseva
Olga Guseva walked the audience through Customer Centric Culture: Your One and Only Strategic Competitive Advantage and shared the 3 instruments for your toolbox to make CX tangible, actionable and working for your goals.
Graeme Codrington
Next up was Futurist Graeme Codrington with Same Planet, Different World: building adaptive DNA into your organisations and careers. He shared how the unprecedented changes faced during 2020 accelerated disruptions and what the three keys to building resilience and adaptiveness into your organisation and your career.
Rapelang Rabana
Rapelang Rabana followed with Digital Mastery: making digital technologies work for your business and shared how digital innovation stems from a more personal and subtle place that requires us to recognize the assumptions we need to unblock to drive innovation.
Sean Weafer
Prolonged periods of separation and change can take a toll on any professional’s or team’s motivation and productivity. Sean Weafer demonstrated How to Motivate Yourself and Your Team While Working Remotely.
Mike Wittenstein
Heading your business in a new direction? Mike Wittenstein Shared how to Lead with 20/20 Vision with a Future Story, to make your sales and business strategy easier for everyone to understand—and to achieve.
Geoff Ramm and Nigel Risner
Ever wondered what A Perfect Day would look like? Geoff Ramm and Nigel Risner help you imagine how to create the perfect day for you, your team and your customers with their fast-paced ideas, techniques, and humour to ensure you will have The Perfect Day.
For further information call us on +44 (0)20 7607 7070 or email .
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