B: £15k- £25k

Eliza Filby

Dr. Eliza Filby is a speaker, academic and consultant who specialises in ‘Generational Intelligence’, helping companies and services navigate the complex generational developments within politics, society and the workplace.

Dr Eliza Filby is a writer, speaker and consultant who specialises in ‘Generational Intelligence’ helping companies and services understand generational shifts within politics, society and the workplace. Her research incorporates not simply Millennials and the new kids on the block, Gen Z, but all generations. Eliza helps businesses understand how society is changing and helps businesses – whether it is recruiting new talent or engaging with new clients – prepare for the future.

Her aim, to smash some of the misconceptions that come with speaking about the generations. Types of questions she addresses includes: Why are the over-50s dominating the Gig-economy? Why do Millennials prioritise an in-work gym over an in-work pensions scheme? Why are Gen Z tech-inate but tech-skeptics?

She has worked with a variety of organizations from VICE media to Warner Brothers Group, from the UK's Ministry of Defence to the Royal Household, with BYMellon in Canada and Macquarie bank in Australia. She has spoken to banks interested in the imminent Great Wealth Transfer from asset-rich Baby Boomers to their Millennial children; advertising agencies seeking to appeal to ‘silver surfers’ and ‘ad-blocking teenagers’; to health companies looking to engage with Millennial Insta-mums and Gen X’ers now looking after their elderly parents. She has spoken at the EU’s Human Rights Forum on teenagers and technology; the Financial Times CEO forum on the future of work and the Bookseller conference on generational differences in reading.

In 2018 Eliza contributed evidence to the UK’s House of Lord’s Select Committee on intergenerational unfairness. That same year she published a report in collaboration with the Women’s Network Forum entitled Fueling Gender Diversity: Unlocking the Next Generation Workplace.

Eliza has taught the history of capitalism to Chinese Millennials at the University of Renmin and the history of welfarism to British Millennials at King’s College London. She received her PhD from the University of Warwick in 2010. Her writing has been published in The Times, Spectator, Guardian and the Financial Times. She is currently writing her second book 'Kidults" Why we are younger for longer and what it means for our future' out in 2021.

Eliza Filby Videos

To learn more or to book Eliza Filby call us on

+44 (0)20 7607 7070

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