Anne Lise Kjaer
CEO and founder of Kjaer Global, futurist Anne Lise Kjaer utilises her design background to predict and simplify the complex trends of future, business and innovation.
Holding the honorary title of Copenhagen Goodwill Ambassador, Anne Lise was also recently appointed to the IPE (International Panels of Experts) for Singapore Urban Development Authority. An expert in business branding and embracing change, she can guide any organisation through turbulent times.
Her company, Kjaer Global, has for more than 3 decades providing businesses and governmental institutions with insights to drive new models for innovation. In the 21st Century, only organisations that foster new thinking, fast-cycle learning, and agility will be able to respond effectively to the challenges of tomorrow’s world and satisfy people’s real needs.
While Kjaer Global is an internationally-recognised brand, so is Anne Lise, having built a reputation as a renowned speaker and author of the Trend Management Toolkit – A Practical Guide to the Future.
Anne Lise can educate the corporate circuit on convergence technology, enabling meaningful social connections, globalisation and the convenience culture. Today’s digital landscape is set to transform organisations, government and notions of citizenship. After witnessing a global structural shift, where value-sets and lifestyle patterns are changing the way society lives, people are looking to optimise all areas life. This is hardly surprising when one considers how work/life is blurring, leaving most under increased pressure to cope – a reality that will inspire a whole new world order challenging existing business models and how we define success.
Knowing how our world is becoming more connected every day, Anne Lise highlights the importance of a company extending their global outreach, and sustaining this through ethical measures and sustainable development. Being so aware of the problems the 21st century planet faces, Anne Lise can guide to a successful future in which we will have empathy for other cultures and respect for the society we live in.
As well as contributing to academic papers and publications, Anne Lise is a regular media commentator on trends and has featured on CNN, BBC and Aljazeera. In 2015 she was one of seven top futurists the Huffington Post featured with their predictions for the next decade in technology.
Anne Lise’s visionary thinking touch upon some of the key issues shaping tomorrow's smart cities and communities. She highlights the human-centric perspective of business, lifestyle preferences, co-creation of sustainable environments and new economic models, in particular her own 4P Model, where People, Planet, Purpose and Profit must be balanced on the bottom line.
Anne Lise Kjaer Videos
To learn more or to book Anne Lise Kjaer call us on
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