How Can You Protect Yourself From Being A Victim of Fraud? | A Q&A with Alexis Conran
Alexis Conran is best known as the man who identifies, uncovers and helps protect businesses and individuals against scams.
Mixing magic, entertainment and education, we sat down with Alexis to share his insights on human behaviour, learning powerful communication skills and confidence tricks that the world’s top scammers rely on.
Discover what you can learn from the actor and magician who's made a living around the world of deception.
You're best known as the man who identifies, uncovers and helps protect businesses and individuals against scams. Can you tell us a bit about your journey?
Growing up with a father that ended up in jail for fraud, I may have inherited a scamming gene! As an actor and magician I have made living around the world of deception. This allows me to be able to understand and explain how and why people get fooled and conned
You mention the ABCD's of protection, can you tell us what that is and why it's important?
A- Assume nothing
B - Believe nothing
C - Challenge everything
D - Delete if in doubt
The ABCs are important to keep in mind because when people are scammed it is usually because they have been caught out without thinking. We live hectic lives and our attention is limited, so having shorthand codes of how to think like the ABCs is a handy reminder which may save us from being scammed.
What are some of the most common scams you've witnessed?
Too many to list and always very fast moving. It would be a mistake to point out any one scam. They all have common elements like getting you to believe an offer is somehow unique to you or that you are somehow getting a ‘good deal’ and beating the system. Today most scams focus on getting you to reveal your data which is the most valuable thing you own.
If we look into the future of cybersecurity, what does that look like in a world where we often choose convenience versus security?
Bleak is the answer. We need to start understanding the vulnerabilities of what we use and how we use it. There is no question that technology will keep evolving and play a bigger part in our future lives so we must engage and understand what we use and what can go wrong.
Unfortunately there is a clash between convenience and security. Too often convenience will come ahead of security. This is where we can do more to convince the big tech companies that most people would rather be slightly inconvenienced and safe.
How can businesses be better prepared and protect their customers from being victims of fraud?
Businesses can do a lot more by letting go of the notion that they should not panic their customers when it comes to security. It is only when people understand the vulnerabilities behind what they use that they take the necessary steps to protect themselves. If you know thieves are around, lock your door!
If there was one message that you’d want an audience to take away from your speech, what would it be?
Nothing is 100% secure. You have no way of being 100% certain that a phone call, a text, or an email is 100% genuine. You are a shareholder in the most valuable commodity on the planet, more valuable than gold, it’s your data. Do everything you can to keep it private.
Alexis, what's next for you?
After the huge success of my latest Channel 5 show on Cold Calls I plan to make more consumer advice shows and of course carry on education companies on how to protect themselves by spending time and talking to them.
For further information call us on or email info@speakerscorner.co.uk .
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