Patrick Dixon
Patrick Dixon is Chairman of Global Change Ltd, a growth strategy and forecasting company; he is the author of 15 books and has been ranked as one of the 20 most influential business thinkers alive today. He advises multinational boards on strategic impact of global trends, innovation and risk and is a dynamic, provocative and entertaining speaker who digs deep into the strategy of each organisation, creating a unique presentation for each event.
Often described as Europe's leading Futurist, Patrick Dixon has a proven track record of successful industry forecasting and was also named in the top 20 most influential thinkers alive by Thinkers 50.
Focusing on industry trends, strategy, risk management and innovation, every presentation is customised after close discussion with event organisers, to create a high impact, entertaining, provocative, very interactive and relevant multimedia experience for audiences ranging from 20 to 3,000. Dr Dixon tests opinion of each audience with "straw polls" and probes what they actually think themselves about future challenges, walks around and engages them personally. Most presentations are opening keynotes, setting the scene for all that follows.
Patrick started out as a cancer physician and in 1998 he set up ACET, an international AIDS agency, which currently has programmes running across Africa, Asia and Europe. The Independent credited Patrick for his work in tackling the stigma surrounding AIDS.
Partick is the founder of industry forcasting company Global Change, and is also the co-founder and director of Global Innovators, an organisation which aims to fast-track entrepreneurs and smart companies into global markets.
Since 1987, Patrick has authored 15 books as well as numerous features in national publications. Having delivered presentations in over 60 nations, Patrick has a wealth of experience as a speaker and has regularly apeared on TV stations commenting on global events, science, and health issues.
Dr Dixon works hard to dig deep into organisational strategy and culture, with the help of each client, and aims to bring practical insights that are vitally important to the future of the corporation, taking into account everything else in the programme, and the priorities of the senior executive team. He usually arrives the day before an event, offers to write articles, makes himself available for media interviews and signs every book that organisers buy to give participants (yes he has signed 1,400 for just one event).
Patrick has worked as an advisor for over 400 of the world's biggest corporations and is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and effective speakers in the world on issues relating to future business success.
Patrick Dixon Videos
To learn more or to book Patrick Dixon call us on
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