10 Popular Speakers on Security & Risk: Our Monthly Round-Up
Our team here at Speakers Corner has the privilege of establishing strong, personal relationships with the individuals we represent. Working closely with our speakers to ensure that everything goes smoothly at an event - from the consultation and booking stage, to the briefing and logistics in the lead-up - it's no surprise that we've accrued a wealth of in-depth knowledge about them , their speaking topics and how they like to operate.
This month, we've rounded up a selection of our speakers who hail from the intriguing world of security and risk : from the tech-savvy cybersecurity experts who work behind-the-screens to keep us safe, to the mathematically-minded geniuses adept at calculating risks for businesses, not to mention the futurists and trend forecasters who examine the uncertainty caused by various global events in order to predict what might happen next.
Check out the below as a taster of the 6000 speakers and artists we represent in total (with 1000 listed on our website ), and for more information, call or email us - we love to chat!
Caspar Berry
- the professional poker player
No stranger to risk, Caspar Berry is a professional poker player and entrepreneur, who lays out the odds for businesses. Just like his background, his take on the subject is unique, insightful and refreshing. Through the metaphor of poker, he has been known to change people's patterns and behaviours in order to improve their chances of success. Director Tim and Accounts Manager Debbie rate him!
Maxine de Brunner
- the Senior Met Police Officer
The individual behind the UK's largest counter-terrorism exercise, Maxine de Brunner was one of the Met Police Service’s most senior officers. Rising through the ranks of a highly pressured working environment, she led one of the most historically significant change programmes to the policing service across London. Well-placed to discuss cybercrime, and the transformational change within organisations needed in light of this, she is recommended by Accounts Manager Verity.
Josh Klein
- the hacker
Who better to advise on protection against hackers than someone who used to be one? Innovation, creativity and change are the products of Josh Klein’s take on hacking – the ideological and technical process of taking something apart and putting it back together – but better. When he's not busy hacking everything, Josh takes to the stage as an inspirational keynote speaker - and Head of Marketing Charlotte is a fan!
Get a taster of his speaking topics here .
Tim Marshall
- the geopolitical risk expert
The former Diplomatic Editor and foreign correspondent for Sky News, and the author of New York Times bestseller ‘Prisoners of Geography’, Tim Marshall translates his political analyses of world affairs into terms that appeal to all audiences. Recommended by Adam - our Head of Account Management - Tim brings thirty years’ experience in reporting, presenting and writing about current affairs and international news to the corporate circuit as a keynote speaker and conference facilitator.
James Lyne
- the self-proclaimed nerd
A personal fave, as well as one of Adam and Lucy B's from Accounts, James Lyne is the global head of Security Research at Sophos whose expertise is frequently called upon to inspire organisations and their teams to take cybersecurity seriously. Energetic, passionate, and charmingly nerdy, he has become a leading keynote speaker on cybercrime and technology, maximising the impact of his insights on audiences through the use of live demos and accessible language. He certainly made our team want to strengthen our passwords ASAP!
Hagai Segal
- the futurist
A leading authority within the hot areas of geopolitics, cyber-risk, and information security, Hagai Segal delivers fascinating content that is highly pertinent in a time of economic uncertainty. The ability to relate complex international matters to business has earned this award-winning academic, consultant and analyst global acclaim as an engaging keynote speaker - and Head of Logistics Rebecca seconds this!
Alexis Conran
- the hustler
Alexis Conran, starred in the Real Hustle, and since has turned the world of scamming into an entertaining art form. He was voted ITV's This Morning's 'Consumer Man'. Alexis blends his knowledge of hustling and professional magician skills to offer business audiences an honest insight into the dark and deceptive world of scamming. Alexis’s entertaining and educational style make him the perfect keynote and after dinner speaker. Alisha from Logistics, Lizzie from Marketing and Debbie from Accounts all recommend him.
Geoff White
- the C4 journalist
A hit at our technology-focussed Knowledge Guild in 2016, Geoff White shines light onto the technology that is changing our world for the better...and sometimes worse. An award-winning television news journalist at Channel 4 News and an engaging keynote speaker, he unveils a hidden world to audiences, elaborating on the latest developments in everything from cybercrime and cybersecurity, to internet dating and cutting-edge hardware. Event Coordinator Dave recommends him!
Misha Glenny
- the authority on global organised crime
Misha Glenny is an expert on global organised crime and cyber security. Having written a string of books on areas such as The Dark Market and How Hackers are the new Mafia, Misha exposes threats to businesses in light of ever changing technology. His enthralling keynote speeches are delivered with passion, humour, and an expert understanding of the minds of hackers and criminals, and he's a favourite of Event Coordinator Anna and Accounts Manager Debbie.
Jeffrey Robinson
- the financial crime journalist
Jeffrey Robinson has been hailed as ‘the world’s most important financial crime journalist.’ Formerly co-host of SkyNews Debate, Jeffrey’s signature New York humour and unparalleled insight into the underground world of organised crime makes him an excellent after-dinner. Writing and speaking about fraud, illegitimate money, Donald Trump and Bitcoin, Jeffrey is a very current and influential speaker - as confirmed by Accounts Manager Debbie!
Looking to book a speaker on security and/or risk? The above are just some of our team's picks for the month to get you started, but we represent a total of over 6000 speakers, with 1000 listed on our website.
For further information or to book a speaker, call us on +44 (0)20 7607 7070 or email info@speakerscorner.co.uk .
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