Virtual Masterclass: Making Sense of an Uncertain Time
We all make decisions based on precedent. But what happens when we’re faced with an unprecedented crisis?
Paul Johnson , Pippa Malmgren , and Leonard Brody joined us to help share real-time insights on the economy and tips for how to manage the fear that uncertainty brings and how to inspire our teams to succeed when there is no plan to fall back on. Watch and learn how you and your business can transform uncertainty into practical strategies to help lead your team and ultimately succeed in unprecedented times.
Director of the UK’s leading economic research institute, Paul Johnson started our Masterclass with real-wold insights on the economy and broke down why we should focus on the how we come out of these challenging times. Pippa Malmgren used her experiences in advising companies to inspire us to use our imagination and keep our minds open when in recovery from this crisis. While Leonard Brody shared some important advice on what executives could do at this time to reimagine the rules of the game and use historical context to transform this time into making a successful transition for companies into powerful ideas for innovation.
The Speakers Corner Connects Showcase series has been curated to show event organisers how the power of the spoken word can be delivered via a virtual platform during social distancing measures. It’s never been more important to be inspired by some of the greatest humans to have walked this planet.
If you want to discuss how you can run a live virtual event during this period please contact us on 020 7970 7607 or email us and one of our team of experts will be in touch.