E: £2k-£5k

Arwen Smit

Arwen Smit believes that decentralised technologies, such as blockchain, are the foundation for new economic and political models.

Arwen Smit believes that decentralised technologies, such as blockchain, are the foundation for new economic and political models. Based in London, Arwen founded several blockchain startups, such as DOVU and MintBit. Passionate about the potential of technology, Smit is driven to increase societal awareness of emerging and future technologies. Her experience in the technology sectors feeds her knowledge of blockchain, mobility, tokens economics and corporate strategy.

After starting as youngest employee at Google Amsterdam, Arwen worked in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Sweden. Her first blockchain initiative, DOVU, is a blockchain-based reward system for the mobility and transport sector. MintBit, her newest initiative, support companies and policy makers in navigating decentralised technologies to jointly advance the ecosystem. Smit is also advisor to various organisations and startups and writes regularly about blockchain strategy. Ms. Smit holds a Bachelor in International Business Administration from the Rotterdam School of Management and a Master in Business and Management from the Stockholm School of Economics.

When presenting, Arwen combines deep, relevant analyses with infectious enthusiasm. Layering cross-disciplinary interests and communication skills results in new insights into complex topics. As international speaker on emerging technologies Arwen performed in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Sweden, France, the Netherlands, Monaco and Ireland.

Sample speech titles:

  • Blockchain, beyond the hype.
  • How can blockchain drive the mobility industry forwards?
  • What does gamification have to do with blockchain?
  • Smart cities in the age of blockchain.
  • Is blockchain market ready?

To learn more or to book Arwen Smit call us on

+44 (0)20 7607 7070

or email


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