What We Can Learn From Mark Price About Happiness
One of the best things about working with speakers is finding the time to sit down with them and pick their brains. I am always eager to here more about their journey and expertise.
I recently sat down with Mark Price as part of my 'In Conversation With' series - you can see the full video here !
Mark and I covered a lot of ground, but I was particularly taken by his knowledge on happiness, and, specifically, workplace happiness.
A great introduction is Mark's overview on global happiness. As you learn in the video, the global happiness level today is 654 out of 1,000 and the happiest country is Austria. I wonder what we could be doing here in the UK to catch up with the leaders?
Mark also told me some enlightening stuff about millennials. He said that millennials in non-management positions are happier than those in management positions, which I found surprising, given a broader cultural dialogue about ambition and success. But then again, we are increasingly faced with burnout, so this made a lot of sense.
Mark went on to share some happiness statistics with me - who doesn't love a stat - and the results were fascinating. See for yourself, but it is clear that a happier workforce also have the greatest commercial success.
These foundations of happiness all lead up to learning about Mark's main aim: to make the world a little bit happier. To achieve such a goal, Mark set up 'Engaging Works' a survey-based research project where individuals can answer some questions, and use results to access specific tips to improve workplace happiness. Mark's research yields incredible results, and offers specfic insights into business by age, gender, ethnicity, and so much more.
I think as we increasingly realise that wellbeing at work is of crucial importance, measures of happiness will become just as prevalent as financial gains. It seems that in 2019, of course we are looking for profits, but we are taking more care of those who help us achieve the results.
For further information or to book one of our speakers, call us on +44 (0)20 7607 7070 or email info@speakerscorner.co.uk .
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