Meet the Team: Abbie Watts
We interviewed the marketing team's sunny addition, Abbie. She loves to chat! We got down to business on all things Australia, music, food, wine, family, dogs...just about everything!
Hey Abbie! So we’ve given you a couple of months to get settled. How has your start at Speakers Corner been?
I love it! It’s such a great company to work for, I love the work and all the lovely faces that work here mean I look forward to going to work everyday. I know it’s rare to find that, so I feel super lucky that Speakers Corner and I found each other. I also think I joined at the perfect time – just before the company away day, so I had a chance to chat to everyone outside the office. I think that really helped with settling in.
We love an accent in this office, and your Australian one is fast becoming a favourite. How are you coping with life as a beach girl in the Big Smoke?
Not going to lie, it’s been quite a big change from my little beach side town, but I’m embracing it! I do miss being able to hear the ocean at night and the buckets of fresh air, but I’m enjoying the hustle and bustle of city life. It’s comforting knowing that I’ll always be able to go back if I need to. For now, I’m trying to see as much of London and the UK as I can, and it’s a real novelty being able to pop over to Europe on the weekend.
What might we find you doing outside of the office?
Travelling, definitely. I love to explore new places as much as financially possible, whether they are little villages just out of London, big cities in Europe or suburbs of London – I just love it!
Music has also been a big part of my life, and one of the best things about living in this city is that it is never short of live music. Piano was my main instrument growing up, and remember the fights my mum and I had when she woke me up at 6am every morning to do an hour practice. I can tell you right now, at the time I disliked it, but now I love that I can sit down and play songs that I can sing along to. Complete side note – I’d love to learn how to play the guitar, so that on my list of things to do. It’s significantly easier to carry a guitar around then push a piano!
I’m also a bit of a gin snob, with my absolute favourite gin (78 Degrees) not for sale in this country yet. I ask anyone who is flying over from Aus to bring a bottle, and politely ask them to 'go back and get one' if they forget. If I can combine travel, music and gin in a location near the ocean, then that’s my perfect getaway!
Can’t forget food. I love food, and good food whether that be midnight pizza after a night of dancing, or a fancy restaurant, I just love it!
Who has been your favourite speaker so far?
That’s a tough question, and I’ve only listened to a handful of speakers!
I’d have to say the one that initially pops into my head would be Maggie Alphonsi . She was funny, interesting, a fantastic speaker and answered questions very eloquently. I was very impressed, and as someone who grew up playing sport on the boys teams, I resonated a lot with her.
I also really enjoyed listening to David Meade . In addition to his background is psychology, he set up a foundation to provide prosthetic limbs to children in developing nations, and using workshops to get companies to build the hands is a wonderful way businesses can give back while working through processes like team work, leadership and decision making. The word inspirational doesn’t quite cut it!
It’s hard to narrow down as everyone I’ve listened to speak has had a fascinating story and are incredible knowledge!
I want to throw in a curveball here. Dream dinner party? Limited to 6 seats at the table!
Is it really cheesy to say my family? It’s been a while since I’ve been able to sit down with my parents and siblings, at the moment I’d love to do just that.
If we’re talking celebrities or influential people, well let me think..
1. Ellen DeGeneres, she has such a powerful platform and utilises it in such a great way. She’s also hilarious, but fear she might try to scare the other guests…
2. One of my favourite singers at the moment is Anne-Marie, I think we’d be great friends. I love how down to earth she is, and she sings about positive body image and other issues and I feel like she uses her platform is such a positive manner. I think she’s just great, and we could sing together!
3. Emma Watson, for a few reasons. I love that she stands up for what she believes in without worrying about what others might think. Using her platform well. (I’m also reading Harry Potter for the first time, no judgement please, and this is what kick-started her career)
4. Malala. I think this is pretty self-explanatory. Having the strength to stand up and shout for what she believes in, she is such a force to be reckoned with. She is also on our 30 under 30, I’d love to hear her speak one day
5. Pink. Unapologetically herself, and raising her son and daughter to have the same foundations. I also went to her 2008 tour in Adelaide, she was the first concert I went to and was completely blown away. Such a strong woman, reminds me of my mum in a way. (Side note: my mum wants her song to play at her funeral – Get This Party Started. Hilarious)
6. Okay, I’m going to say the Kardashians for two reasons. With their incredible influence globally, imagine what they could achieve if they used it for good rather then pulling people down. It’s something that has frustrated me especially in light of recent events. I feel very strongly in using whatever platform one might have for the good. One a more positive note, they have also created arguably the biggest and most successful brand out of their family name. Everyone knows who the Kardashians are.
It was unintentional that they are all women, this can only mean one thing. SLUMBER PARTY!
And finally… can we come and stay at your house in Adelaide?
Absolutely – but I must warn you… my household is crazy. I have two dogs that, if I’m being honest, run the house (but they are adorable), we walk on the beach at least once a day, my mum and I are always singing, we love being outside and thoroughly enjoy eating a good meal in our backyard, usually with a great bottle of wine.
Okay, it’s actually pretty great! As long as I can be there too, anyone is welcome into our house.
For further information or to book one of our speakers, call us on +44 (0)20 7607 7070 or email info@speakerscorner.co.uk .
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