An Interview with Robin Sieger

1 January 2012

Do you think you can make anyone into a Natural Born Winner?

I have learnt you cannot make anyone do anything they do not want to do, when it comes to personal/professional development. I believe if anyone is willing to give me six weeks I will equip them with the understanding and the techniques common to all high achievers and winners.

Why do you enjoy being a speaker?

I enjoy the continual learning opportunities it provides, not only from my research and studies, but also from well informed audiences who share their knowledge with me.

What do you do to ensure your presentation has a lasting impact?

I believe the truth that people forget what you say and people forget what you do, they never forget how you made them feel. Therefore I seek to engage the audience emotionally to enable them to experience state change, and not only be informed but also inspired to take action.

What do you think are essential qualities in a successful leader?

There is so much written on leadership, my three rules are 1. Be a visionary (you are there so others will follow), 2. Be authentic (we can all smell a phoney a mile away) and 3. Care about your people.

How do you relax when you are not working?

I used to skydive as it is the ultimate 'in the moment' activity but now it is golf in the summer, walking in the winter, and cooking throughout the year. If I were not a peak performance coach/speaker, I think I would like to be a chef, in a small gesture pub by the sea!

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