Acts of Kindness Ideas – We Can All Be Philanthropists
Acts of Kindness Ideas – We Can All Be Philanthropists
Life is stressful - this statement is one I’m sure we can all relate to. Everyone has a million different things going on at once, and at times it can be extremely overwhelming. This is why it’s important to take a step back every now and then, to remember to be kind to others; as you never know what someone is truly dealing with.
Here at Speakers Corner, our amazing team pride themselves on remembering this; as kindness goes a lot further than you think! During our busy lives, it’s hard to think of little things that we can do to brighten someone’s day – so we’re here to help with a few inspirations!
Small acts of kindness
Whether it’s a simple compliment on someone’s outfit, making a round of teas and coffees, or going on a walk at lunchtime with someone, these little acts can truly make the difference between a good and bad day.
Psychologists have found that using your lunch breaks to do some exercise leaves a positive impact on your concentration and creativity.
Whether you and a colleague walk to the local coffee shop on your break, or you fancy a solo walk around the block for some self-care, going on a walk is such a simple yet effective way to improve your mental well-being.
Dr Alex George’s podcast ‘Stompcast’ features weekly guests walking around London, as he believes that our minds and bodies can be transformed through something as simple as going on a walk with others.
Brighten up someone's day with a compliment
The saying “a little goes a long way” is true in many aspects of life, especially when it comes to giving compliments. Everyone has their insecurities, be it with body image, lack of confidence or a piece of work. Taking the time to positively comment on someone’s insecurities can not only help them feel better about themselves for that small moment, it can create positive lasting impact!
I’m sure we can all remember a time when someone passing us by in the street or a retail worker gave us a compliment, and it’s given us a little confidence boost. These always stick in our heads and are commonly brought up in later conversations; since we all know how nice it is to receive some nice words from someone, why not compliment somebody this week?
Show someone you care
Showing someone you care about them doesn’t necessarily mean buying them an expensive gift - it’s important to remember that people show their affection in different ways!
Especially if someone is having a bad day, showing them that you care by giving them a hug, popping to the shop to get them a little sweet treat or simply asking if they’re okay can make the world of difference.
Taking a moment to discuss someone’s current mental health state could mean a lot to them, especially if they’re struggling with something.
Many of our incredible philanthropists showcase the power of human goodness, inspiring us to follow in their footsteps!
Help someone who is struggling with their mental health
Knowing the best way to help someone who is mentally struggling can be a difficult one to approach; although the common route is to simply initiate the opportunity for an open and judgment-free conversation.
If you notice a change in somebody’s behaviour, such as them acting out of the ordinary, physical appearance changes such as weight loss or gain, these could all mean that someone is struggling mentally.
A great way to do this is to bring in an expert external speaker. One of the many benefits to this is that it allows teams to feel able to begin discussing such issues - think of it as the external speaker opening the door to mental health discussions.
There are many routes you can go down within this topic, to which we’d say the best approach would be to get in touch with our friendly and impartial team to discuss your options.
Your mental health matters
A study from 2020 reported that ‘around 46% of individuals worldwide aged 15 years + thought mental health was more important than physical health, whilst another 46% felt mental health was just as important as physical health’.
It’s important to remember that your feelings are always valid; humans have the tendency to neglect their own emotions due to ‘others having it worse.’ This philosophy not only disregards the individual’s emotions and experiences, it means that these feelings aren’t adequately dealt with which can result in them building up and becoming worse in the long run.
If you’re considering bringing in an external speaker to speak to your team on mental health and wellness, we have many incredibly moving, educated and experienced speakers on this topic. Get in touch with our experienced team today to discuss your event in detail, and we’ll find the perfect speaker for you – email us: info@speakerscorner.co.uk or give us a call: +44 (0) 20 7607 7070
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